Christmas in Alberta

Had a couple of great gigs this weekend...thanks to Peter North, Marc Stirling, Ron Rault, and Stuart Mcdougall...It was a great night at the Northern Lights Folk Club! Headed to Calgary for the Christmas in Alberta celebration with the Rosebud Theatre School. CKUA recorded the event and will be airing it Christmas morning. It was a beautiful program. Hats off to Paul Muir!!! And many thanks to all the wonderful, budding students. They so inspire me. If you haven't gone to Rosebud, Alberta before, check it out!!! They have a wonderful dinner theatre and school where they do 7 shows a week! These kids (and teachers) are working hard!! Their performances are TOP NOTCH!!! Give yourself a treat any time of year!! Check out their website on my links page. As many of the folks at Northern Lights discovered on Saturday...I am not a big fan of the season. (my chosen "Christmas song" was Christmas in Prison, by John Prine)I still would like to wish you all out there the very be your very your very best life...count your blessings. Send your prayers out to those who cannot believe, who have no hope left...this is what we are called to. To care, to love, to connect, to give...I have met so many of you beautiful people out there. And everyday it renews the spark in me. Thanks Karla

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